
Showing all 3 results

  • Residence Hall Multipurpose Rooms

    Residence Hall Multipurpose Rooms

    Capacities range from 20-40 depending on the residence hall.  Variable seating. Smart podium with built-in PC, DVD player, projector and screen. Data port connection, wireless internet, phone line available.

  • Solarium


    Take the Virtual Tour   Normal setup only, capacity 225 (standing reception) Designed for public use, and one-time special events after 4:00 p.m. Portable data projector (daytime projection not recommended)…

  • Varsity Gym

    Varsity Gym

    Serves as a multipurpose indoor sports facility. 24,000 square foot main floor and 15,000 square feet of exhibit space on the second level balcony. Portable sound systems are used to…

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